If God whispered to you, “I am the God who______________,” what would He be pointing to in your past that He’s urging you to remember?
Forgetfulness: A Threat to Vibrant Faith
In multiple Old Testament books, this oft-repeated start of a sentence leaves an indelible impression: “I am the God who________________.”
The Lord recites miraculous events from Israel’s past that showed His provision and enablement: how He rescued them from Egypt, provided basic necessities in the wilderness and gave the might needed to defeat pagan armies. In Deuteronomy, Moses repeatedly warned them with words like these: “Keep your souls diligently, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen and lest they depart from your heart” (Deut. 4:9).
God was adamant about their remembering His role in their corporate history. He instituted feasts for the purpose of remembering His deeds: Passover, Feast of Weeks and Feast of Booths. Several Psalms called on God’s people to remember and to tell new and future generations what God had accomplished. (See Psalm 145 for a noteworthy example.)
There’s a hefty spiritual price to pay for forgetfulness. The writer of Psalm 106 laments that God’s people didn’t consider His past works and evidences of love toward them. The Psalm goes on to link their forgetfulness to rebellion against God and to moral erosion.
Jesus himself instituted the Lord’s Supper, instructing us to eat the bread and drink the wine as a way to remember his broken body and blood shed for us.
My brief recap here is just a smidgen of the biblical evidence highlighting God’s desire for us to remember His deeds.
A Vital Principle for Today
Today, we neglect this “Remembrance” principle to our own peril.
Remembering ways God has blessed, provided for and sustained us keeps our hearts warm toward Him, fuels faith needed for current and future challenges and minimizes the likelihood of moral erosion.
Application Ideas
Adapt these questions for personal devotions, a family worship time or for staff discussions in your church/organization.
- How has the Lord answered prayer for your congregation or school? For members of your family? For you personally?
- What instances of provision, sustenance or guidance are difficult to explain apart from the Lord’s intervention?
- What painful times can you look back on and see how God redeemed your pain to deepen character or to enhance your ministry?
- What negative attitude or behavior has God transformed through your desperate dependence on Him and your reliance on His means of grace?
- How can you, your family and your local church fan the flame of such positive memories and keep the stories alive for children and future generations? (Before reflection, read Psalm 145.)
- How can you symbolize memories of God’s past faithfulness through the décor in your home? (What photos or other visuals could you point to and say, “There’s a story behind that!” Then tell your kids or guests the story.)
- What creative, celebratory events can you plan for your family, small group or congregation so the reassuring history of God’s work among you isn’t forgotten? (Recall the joyful feasts of remembrance God commanded for Israel, or the music-laden praise and celebration service after the wall was rebuilt in Jerusalem. (See Nehemiah 12.)
- Can we recapture a closely-guided “God At Work” spot in church meetings to reassure members of God’s grace among them? (A brief testimony of how He brought a wayward grown child back to faith? Restored a troubled marriage? Used a Sunday School teacher to lead a child to faith in Christ? Rewarded a missionary’s heartfelt intercessions for a neighbor who eventually put his faith in Christ?)
In some shape or form, for the glory of God and for the sake of our own spiritual health, let’s throw more parties of remembrance!
A Personal Word
Remembering how God sustained me during past bouts of depression is one strategy I employ to handle a new episode of despair.
I meditate on Bible promises that instilled hope and inflated my spirit years ago. I recall (and replay) gospel songs that previously soothed my soul. I think back to emails, letters and calls I’ve received, through which God’s Spirit reminds me of how my written or spoken testimony of His sustenance buoyed the spirit of others in pain.
I remember that the abyss of despair was never too deep for God to pull me out of it, that I’ve “Been there, done that!” numerous times and kept going. I remind myself of how He has redeemed my pain by instilling in me a desperate, daily dependence on His grace. The memories make me realize that having “nowhere to look but up” is a great place to be!
Imagine God is whispering to you right now, “I am the God who_______________” What does He want you to remember?
For more resources and ideas on this Remembrance theme, email me: terry.powell@ciu.edu
May our Savior give you a serendipity-filled 2025!
Once again… a beautiful word. I remember and am grateful for you Terry and your WORDS od wisdom and of love and of His goodness!
Hi Terri I am reading this late, but your words mean a lot since it is a tough week with despondency 1/21/25
What creative ideas to depict and recall God’s provision!
Thanks Maria. Your words come at a discouraging week and your encouragement helps.
A good word. A great idea : “I am the God who ______.” Thanks. This was part of my morning prayer time today.
Thank you, Tom for your words. Hope you are well.
Again, Terry, you have brought a often overlooked phrase to life and provoked wise action on our parts. Thanks for sharing you, Terry.