Now That’s a Good Question!
How To Lead Quality Bible Discussions
What can you do to help engrossing Bible discussions thrive in your small group? Now that’s a good question! is teeming with ideas and examples to help you lead your small group or Sunday school class — guiding group members to observe, interpret and apply God’s Word in productive, meaningful discussion sessions.
Get the updated, expanded edition of Now That’s a Good Question! How To Lead Quality Bible Discussions, a practical resource for small group leaders and youth/adult Sunday school teachers
This handbook tackles these questions:
- How can I create a group climate that expedites effective Bible discussions?
- How can I dig into God’s Word for myself so I have more “ownership” of the truths we cover?
- What kind of questions should I ask?
- What describes questions that are biblically and educationally sound?
- What are the parts of a successful group Bible study plan?
- How do I get more learners involved in discussion, and facilitate interaction that gets them into God’s Word, and God’s Word into them?
- How can I prevent problems such as monopolizers, tangents, and a “pooling of ignorance” during Bible studies?
- What are some tried-and-true get-acquainted or team building ideas I can use in my group?
The updated edition adds two chapters not in the original book by the same title, released in 2007 by Standard Publishing. The new chapters offer tips for handling discussion problems such as tangents, monopolizers, controversial subject matter, avoiding excessive relativism in Bible discussions, and keeping discussion from degenerating into a pooling of ignorance.
Whether you want to develop your own studies or you are using written study guides, this book will help you grow as a leader.
Terry is an excellent writer, this book is easy to read, and will help you become a better Bible study leader. I know no one in the country who has his wealth of knowledge and experience on this topic. Whether you’re writing your own studies or you’re using published study guides, you’ll grow as a leader by reading this book. If you lead a church small group ministry, do what I did and buy a copy for every leader!
Kudos to Terry Powell on this small group masterpiece! This has quickly become one of the top two books that I recommend on facilitating group discussion. Terry gives us a comprehensive and thorough understanding of how to facilitate effective conversation-driven Bible studies. The book delivers by arming you with a weapons cache of knowledge, common mistakes to avoid and an arsenal of proven ideas and templates.